Debunking myths on genetics and DNA

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

August IWSG post

This is a monthly event started by the awesome Alex J. Cavanaugh and organized by the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Click here to find out more about the group and sign up for the next event. You can also sign up for the newsletter.

Howdy, I'm back after some traveling, which is why I was absent last month (apologies). I hope everyone in the group is having a wonderful summer (winter for those of you in the southern hemisphere). And if the heat and nice weather is keeping you from writing (*coughs*), be nice to yourself because you never know where your next inspiration will be. Maybe your muse is calling from the beach, what do you know? ;-)

Jokes aside, I've been beating myself up, actually, because all I've produced this year so far are three short stories, and while two of them were slated to go in anthologies, both anthologies have been delayed. So, if you are in a similar situation, don't despair: here's my good news that may inspire you and keep you from giving up. A wonderful opportunity opened up last month and my third story was accepted for an anthology that's coming out this month, so yay! And one of those two anthologies that got delayed was mentioned recently on the TOR website as one of the 15 books to watch for in 2016 -- so double YAY! (It's at the very bottom, Zero Machine by Acheron Books, but still, the fact that it was even mentioned is super cool, I was happy dancing all over the place!)

So now I've to go back to that space opera that I was supposed to finish two months ago... What about you? What projects are keeping you busy these days? Stay inspired!

On a different note: Together with a bunch f authors we are hosting a mega-giveaway with lots of prizes, including a $50 Amazon gift card! For more details please see this post.


  1. That's a shame about the anthology delays, but how exciting that your stories will be showing up in three of 'em this year! Will definitely need to check those out. Also, best of luck with your space opera! Hope you don't face too many curveballs on your way to the end. As for me, I've been plotting a horror comic for...uh, over a year now, so that's what's been keeping me busy lately, LOL.

    1. I know, I've been waiting for your horror comic to come out!! :D

  2. Writing guest posts for a book tour is taking what little time I have. Please school, start again! I need my sanity back.

  3. Welcome back!
    A book to watch for? That's very cool.

  4. Actually, I'm glad you asked. I'm only chapters away from finishing my first draft and can't help but smile about it. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  5. I find short stories are a challenge, so your having written three is darned impressive to me.

  6. Even though it's been delayed, how cool is it that it's been marked as one to watch out for.

  7. You can't help the delays and 3 stories that are going to be published is a great accomplishment, says I! Woot! You go, girl!

  8. I did miss ya last month, but traveling can be fun. I hope you enjoyed it. Cool beans about the shorts stories and looking forward to reading more stuff by you.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  9. I wrote about anthology work for my IWSG this month as well. Even more so than full novels, anthologies seem to hit production snags all the time . . .but I love reading them and love being in them so I keep doing it. Looking forward to seeing yours when they make it out!

    @mirymom1 from
    Balancing Act

  10. Love your positive attitude. Congrats on the anthologies. They're a great way to get your name out there. Best wishes and enjoy the rest of the summer.

  11. I totally hear you about delayed anthologies! You prep all the promo to shout about it, and then it doesn't happen and the wind kinda goes out of your sail, but they'll still get out there. They will. And that will be an awesome day.

    Hey, I live in Florida. The beach is a regular place of inspiration. ;)

  12. Sounds like a good year so far to me. It will be a great boost of confidence to see your work come to light in those anthologies. Congrats!


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