Debunking myths on genetics and DNA

Sunday, August 30, 2015

My Facebook account

For reasons unknown to me, my Facebook account has been deleted. My Chimeras page is still there, but I can no longer post on it. It's linked to this blog, so this is my attempt to see that hopefully this post will get there to let you all know that if I don't reply to your comments and messages is simply because I'm currently unable to. I hope to get the issue resolved soon.

Thanks for your patience!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Lots of good reasons to sign up for my newsletter

... if you haven't signed up already, that is. :-)

I've been working hard on the second book in my dystopian series the Mayake Chronicles and I'll have some really cool news for my subscribers soon. Here's some really good reasons why you should sign up:

  • ARC copies of the Mayake Chronicles Book Two are coming soon!! And you wouldn't want to miss an ARC copy, right?
  • In the meantime, the audio edition for my detective thriller Mosaics has been completed and is awaiting approval from Just like with Chimeras, I will have free review copies and I will give them away randomly to some lucky subscribers. 
  • Finally, the title for Mayake Chronicles Book Two is not set in stone yet. I'm undecided between 3 choices and I need your help. I will send the options to my subscribers and ask people to vote. And I will gift a signed paper copy of book 2 to a randomly chosen reader among all the voters. 
  • Oh, and of course, you get a free story when you sign up. :-)
  • I don't spam and only send sporadic updates when I'm about to release a new book, which, as you've seen, doesn't happen more than 2-3 times a year. 
Are you ready, then? Here's the link

See you soon in your inbox. :-)

Monday, August 17, 2015

2015 Full Moons

At the beginning of the year I made a resolution of shooting all full moonrises of the year. The resolution lasted until June, and after that we had some lovely and much needed summer storms, so I'm not complaining. I'm hoping to resume this month, now that monsoon season is ebbing off.

Here are my favorite moonrise shots so far.

January Full Moon © Elena E. Giorgi

March Full Moon © Elena E. Giorgi

May Full Moon © Elena E. Giorgi

February Full Moon © Elena E. Giorgi

And here's a couple of my favorite ones from last year:

October Full Moon © Elena E. Giorgi

January Full Moon © Elena E. Giorgi

Friday, August 14, 2015


In my effort to catch up on posting pictures from this summer, here are some amazing wildflowers I found in Colorado. Feel free to ID them in the comments. :-) All pictures are © Elena E. Giorgi. Prints can be purchased here or here.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pictures from this summer

I haven't posted many pictures lately, but this summer I got a few shots I'm really proud of. Here they are, I hope you will enjoy them.

Golden Gate Bridge, © Elena E. Giorgi

Wildflowers in Crested Butte, CO. © Elena E. Giorgi

Milky Way seen from New Mexico. © Elena E. Giorgi

Monday, August 10, 2015

It's Future Chronicle Week and you can win a brand new Kindle Paperwhite loaded with all of them!

As many of you know, I'm one of the authors featured in Samuel Peralta's Future Chronicle anthologies. The Future Chronicles feature fresh voices and award-winning authors of original speculative fiction #1 anthology on Amazon with every release. Award-winning poet and science fiction author Samuel Peralta had a vision like no other when he created these anthologies: spanning across all subgenres of science fiction and fantasy, these collections bring together both established as well as new speculative fiction writers, so that you can find your favorite authors and discover new ones. A winning formula, if you ask me!

My short stories are featured in the Telepath Chronicles, the A.I. Chronicles, and in the upcoming Immortality Chronicles. Below is the full list of all the Chronicles published so far and in publication. Read on and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a Kindle Paperwhite loaded with all the Future Chronicles!

Enter to win a
6" Kindle Paperwhite** with an entire set of seven Future Chronicles in ebook.
**or equivalent in Gift Cards. (International Winners get Gift Cards.)

Special Edition

A compendium of select previously published Chronicles titles as well as 5 new stories to whet your appetite. Foreward by Hugh Howey. 

What if you could live forever? Even now, scientific advances have brought humans to the brink of solving life's final conundrum. Twelve authors imagine what it means when human life can continue indefinitely, invulnerable, immortal.

Z. Among the most monstrous creations of our imaginations, the zombie terrifies, with its capacity to pursue its prey, to run it down, exhaust it to surrender, unrelentingly. Explore a horrific mirror of ourselves that pursues us with untiring hunger.

Explore different worlds – lands of fire and fury, of legend and lore – but all where dragons roam unshackled from myth, freed from the imagination, and very, very real.

From first awareness to omniscience, these original short stories explore when human intelligence comes face-to-face with its greatest hope... and greatest threat.

Intelligent life on other planets: it's the brass ring of space exploration. Do extra-terrestrial species exist? Will we ever make contact Each tale takes a different look at intelligent alien life - and how we Earthlings might respond to it.

From that first discovery, to the subsequent jealousies and class divisions, to the dangers of weaponization and the blessings of medical miracles, these stories explore the ramifications of a future where telepathy is real.


Will these "post-human" intelligences be our friends? Our servants? Our rivals? Top sci-fi writers explore the approaching collision of humanity and technology.


A new series on Alternative History.
Re-imagine the world as one where the inventor of the smallpox vaccine died before he'd created it or the women's suffragist movement failed or all forms of capital punishment are ruled inhumane. These ten alternate history stories will turn the world you know upside down.

MORE Chronicles...

Join the Future Chronicles FB group for fascinating SciFi discussions, and sign up for the Chronicles newsletter for all the latest news on the upcoming Chronicles releases.


new series

Illustrated Robot

Chronicle Worlds: Paradisi

Chronicle Worlds: Feyland

Chronicle Worlds: Drifting Isle


regular Chronicles

Cyborg Chronicles

Time Travel Chronicles

Galaxy Chronicles

Doomsday Chronicles

Shapeshifters Chronicles

Jurassic Chronicles

Gamer Chronicles

The Future is Bright!