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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A writer's journey

This is a monthly event started by the awesome Alex J. Cavanaugh and organized by the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Click here to find out more about the group and sign up for the next event.

It's July. I released my book, CHIMERAS, three months ago. Book 2 in the series, MOSAICS, will be out in September. I've learned and I'm still learning a lot. I generally dislike do/don't lists, but today I thought I'd share some personal considerations on how to give your best on the page.

1) Stay inspired.
2) Think outside the box.
3) Take chances, lots of them.
4) Read a lot, read different genres.
5) Break at least one rule in every book. Better yet. Follow no rules.
6) Words are your best friends: don't rush them. Love them, make them last.
7) Create your own style. You'll know you've done it right when they'll tell you they didn't like it.
8) Write characters, not stereotypes. Some will love them and some will hate them: it means they feel real.

And finally, have one beta reader shred your work to pieces. Trust me, it'll be painful and totally worth it.

Until next month, write, read and stay inspired.


  1. I have one test reader who will do just that, I'm sure!

    1. good luck, Alex, it's a painful process but totally worth it :-)

  2. Looking forward to your next book. Nice rules. I hope to be looking for beta readers before the end of the year. I hope to complete my first story in July Camp NaNo and edit and get it ready to send out into the world in August and September. Mind focused.... As Star Wars X-Wing pilot would say when aiming at the Death Star "Stay on target, stay on target."

    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. that's a great plan -- best of luck, Juneta!

  3. Most recent change for me: #4. What a difference it has made and I've found some great work out there. I love #6 and I'm totally into #7...even when an agent said that's no way to be successful. At that point I felt like I was on the right path...strange as it is. Congrats on Book 1 and 2.

  4. This is a great list and I really like #4 too, except for the fact that I have several favorite genres now and my tbr pile is huge...

    1. unfortunately, that tends to happen, Doreen, but it's a great thing :-)

  5. Great rules! #2 resonates. Every writer should follow #4. Too many say they don't have time to read. What a shame. Best wishes on your upcoming release.

  6. To me there are two types of pain. The honest critique and the brutal review. One can make the book better; the other... Well the other just hurts.

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

    1. yes, and I never do brutal myself because it takes the objectivity out of the critique, but I've received "brutal" and it was painful and yet I waded through the whole thing and found a couple of priceless gems.

  7. I do believe wholeheartedly in reading a lot in different genres. When you do that you bring more ingredients to your creative kitchen and your writing is richer for it. Congrats on your two books and I have the feeling we will be seeing many more!

  8. I like your thoughts about making our writing the best it can be.
    Lots of food for thought.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. These are really great tips! I need a beta shredder or two. :)

    1. thanks, Kimberly ! hehe, I hope they won't be shredders, but if they are, think of how much better your ms will be! ;-)

  10. I love your list! Congratulations on your book releases.

  11. Marvelous list! I really like the idea of creating living, breathing characters and not stereotypes. Oh, and I LOVE #7: "create your own'll know you've done it right when they tell you they don't like it".

    Too many times we writers worry about how we say something but we must write what is authentic to our story, our characters.

    Great post! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday and commenting!

  12. Good list. Especially the advice about letting a beta shred your work. It is painful, but worth it in the end.

  13. Great list! Stay inspired... Yup! That's definitely number one. :-)


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